Nitric Oxide Support


Nitric Oxide Support contains a synergistic blend of proven supplements to maximize benefits.Increased blood flow especially for neuropathy relief.


Triple Strength 2650 mg Nitric Oxide Support 

Nitric Oxide Support. While produced by nearly every type of cell in the human body,
we now know the critical role Nitric Oxide (NO) plays in circulation, immune and nerve health.

When NO levels increase muscles relax,  blood flow improve and blood pressure lowers.

So supplements that contain the building blocks of nitric oxide can benefit health and performance.


When blood supply to nerves becomes compromised, the nerves become painful, numb, pins and needles…
Often all at once. But restoring blood flow to nerves reduces the effects of neuropathy.

Blood Sugar

Nitric oxide production is lower in people with insulin resistance.

And that causes poor blood vessel health, leading to:

  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney disease
  • Heart disease
  • Neuropathy


Nitric Oxide Support  includes L-arginine and L-citruline
known to increase insulin sensitivity allowing for better blood sugar control.

Muscle Soreness

After strenuous or new exercise, most people get sore for 2-3 days.

But L-citruline can increase nitric oxide production, which increases blood flow to active muscles. And that pump increases nutrient delivery and waste removal.

Exercise Performance

Nitric oxide causes vasodilation relaxing blood vessels to improve blood flow and reduce pressure.

And the more blood you can get in and out of muscles during exercise, the better.


Diindolylmethane (DIM) found in cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli helps in the balance of good and bad estrogen.

Also DIM blocks the enzyme aromatase, which converts testosterone to estrogen.

First, DIM blocks the enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen. Second, DIM converts bad estrogen into good estrogen metabolites.

The good estrogen,  2-hydroxyestrone may prevent cancer and act as an antioxidant.

The bad estrogen, 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone elevates with certain cancers.

And everyone has testosterone, men and women need it for cardiovascular health and skin quality.

But as we age testosterone levels drop.

DIM inhibits aromatase, so it can’t to convert testosterone into harmful estrogen metabolites.

And DIM suppresses  the formation of new fat cells and stimulates burning the fat cells you have and the fat you eat through your diet.

Related Article: lasting-neuropathy-relief

Nettle Root Extract

Both Testosterone and Estrogen serve many purposes in men and women.
Too little or too much can create problems. So everyone has a self regulating system to keep these “sex” hormones in balance.

One part of this system is a binding protein that makes most of these hormones unusable.

And when under prolonged low level stress, many hormones become depleted.

But when the hormone binding protein gets blocked by Nettle Root Extract, more the hormones you have can do their job.

So even lower levels of testosterone or estrogen can have better health effects.

Resulting in better levels of strength, endurance, less pain and increased sexual vitality.

Nettle Root Extract also  blocks the enzymes responsible for causing  baldness in men and women.

Nitric Oxide Support Exclusive AstraGin®

Registered Trademark of NuLiv Science USA, Inc.

Astragalus membranaceus studies indicate it can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.

Other anti-aging effects include improving immune response and  protecting arteries and nerves.

So based on the existing studies and clinical practices, Astragalus membranaceus has a good potential for broad application in anti-aging.

Recently Panax notoginseng became very popular, especially with adults considering a potential source of lifespan extension.

Because Panax notoginseng reduces vascular aging by lowering lipids, inflammation and oxidation.

And current notogisenoside studies  also show promise for neuro-degenerative conditions.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.





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